Report: obstacles of the WAMCA for idealistic actions

Following the evaluation of the Dutch Act on Collective Damages in Class Actions (in Dutch: Wet Massaschade in Collectieve Actie or WAMCA) in 2025, the PILP Foundation and Bureau Clara Wichmann conducted research into the obstacles the collective action law creates for interest organizations conducting idealistic actions. According to the study, the WAMCA has made it more difficult for interest organizations to conduct idealistic lawsuits, with, for example, stricter rules on admissibility requirements. According to PILP and Bureau Clara Wichmann, this limits the access to justice of interest organizations. Read the report (in Dutch) here.

See also:

  • F.M. Peters, A.J. van Wees, ‘Wachten op Godot – de problematische toepasbaarheid van de WAMCA op ideële zaken’, TOP 2022/241, afl. 4, p. 25-30.
  • F.M. Peters, D.R. Brouwer & N.C. Nilwik, ‘De invloed van het Aarhus Verdrag op de WAMCA’, O&F 2023, afl. 3, p. 33-4
Written by Nikki Nilwik