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Environment & Climate Change

Environmental and climate change disputes result in the largest court cases out there. In a financial sense, the impact is often huge but even more important is the impact on people and their future. Rubicon Impact & Litigation is extremely active in this field because we’re good at it and because we know it is the right thing to do.

Rubicon Impact & Litigation lawyers are specialised in domestic and international environmental and climate law because they share concerns about climate change and environmental degradation. That is why we are ready to support anyone looking to tackle climate change or other forms of environmental issue, such as (cross-border) plastic pollution.

By taking legal action, raising awareness, and active participation in public debate, Rubicon Impact & Litigation hopes to make a positive contribution to addressing climate change and environmental pollution. The firm has already filed several successful lawsuits against major polluters, including the recent greenwashing public interest lawsuit against airline KLM.

Environment & Climate Change